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October 14, 2008
Enter The PUMA
Existential Threats Make Strange Bedfellows
Check out this essay from HillBuzz. And Buck Up, Wally.
Cons are driving me crazy with their endless wailing about Mainstream Media Bias and Mainstream Media Polls, simultaneously.
Don't you think for a minute that we aren't being played, and in a way that makes past years look like nothing. They haven't even bothered to hide their bias this time around, from ordinary coverage to debates. Do you really think the polls are going to be anything less than the same game in play?
We're not kidding about existential threats. Obama has been a net power-abuser even in his limited capabilities. Greater power will likely encourage him to act against normal citizens in massive strokes.
Free speech, voting rights, and therefore Liberty-with-a-capital-L is in the cross hairs in this election. I feel like such an alarmist ass for saying this type of thing. I feel like a Black Helicopter type.
But this is how I see things, realistically, from the lawsuits this man's campaign has filed, and the way he will not hesitate to use sympathetic law enforcement agencies as arms of his campaign.
And from the way he funnels money to corrupt organizations like ACORN which are dedicated to gumming up the voter registration process and faking votes, among other things.
Whatever your differences with the PUMAs, set them aside for the mutual fight against a truly existential threat to the American People's Freedom in the aggregate.
We can argue specific policy details later, when we're still free to do so.
You vote for this man once, you may never vote for anyone else again (check that post for info about the 22nd Amendment).
I would like to welcome the Hillary supporters aboard, umm well, not the conservative ship, but the Defeat Obama ship.
Again, we can bitch at each other later when we're still at liberty to shout our beliefs. And it's gonna feel so good when we do. Rowr.
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen of the allied-opposition. Please make yourselves at home. This is your couch too.
Just a warning about Ace's pad; the language is raw and the floor is sticky. The men are gentlemen but will customarily ask you to show your tits, just in case you're obliging in that regard. You don't have to.
UPDATE: From commenter How to Defeat Barack Obama.
I just scanned the link, but I'm afraid I don't see anything there or here in the way of a course of action.
So, let me suggest that instead of chasing rabbits, this site encourages people to go to BHO appearances and ask him tough questions on video. Then, upload his response to Youtube. He's not used to being challenged, so a good question would catch him off-guard and he might reveal himself to be an empty suit. Even if he does provide an answer, if the question is good enough he'd be forced to answer for some of his lies or the flaws in his policies.
So, this site should encourage its visitors to do that. And, it should get in touch with other sites and encourage them to get involved.
If not that, then let me suggest dealing with media bias by calling reporters on their lies in their comments sections, such as those at the WaPo and Swampland.
Excellent ideas. Does AOSHQ have people with the skills and balls to bring it?
posted by Laura. at
11:37 PM
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