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October 14, 2008
Week Six Pix
When the aliens appeared over Eufala, Physics Geek was in first place.
So he'll be their first round of experiments. They always go for the brainy ones, you can tell from the interviews.
1 Physics Geek 51
2 mesablue 49
2 DrZin 49
2 moflicky 49
2 Yeah Right Whatever 49
and the rest of the best...
6 Roman Legions 48
6 Hazy Dave 48
6 buzzion 48
6 jimmytheleg3 48
10 chinpoko-mon 47
10 Nodakdrunkhobos 47
10 AliceH 47
13 gamecockdude 46
13 All Hail Alex 46
13 Gib 46
13 Dr. Remulak 46
13 That pigskin is kosher right? 46
13 Murph 46
13 Dave in Texas 46
that's right suckas.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:14 AM
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