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October 04, 2008
Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Dies From Eating The Salmon Mousse And Multiple Gunshot Wounds But Mostly Multiple Gunshot Wounds.
While attacks in Iraq are down dramatically, last week there were several bombings in Iraq to ‘celebrate’ the end of Ramadan. The day after those attacks, US troops celebrated Eid by finding the son of a bitch behind the attacks and lowering his carbon foot print to zero.
Mahir Ahmad Mahmud al-Zubaydi, also known as Abu Assad or Abu Rami, allegedly directed the insurgent cell believed to be responsible for nearly simultaneous car bomb and suicide attacks Thursday, according to the statement.
…Al-Zubaydi's death will be a major blow to al-Qaida in Iraq even as the group's recruiting efforts have been "severely curbed" by a decision by many Sunnis to join forces with the Americans in the fight against it, military spokesman Rear Adm. Patrick Driscoll said.
"His removal from the AQI network will send shockwaves through Baghdad's terrorist bombing networks," Driscoll said in the statement.
The military also blamed al-Zubaydi for several car bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad's main Shiite district of Sadr City in 2006 and 2007, including a series of blasts that killed more than 200 people on Nov. 23, 2006.
That was one of the deadliest attacks to strike the Iraqi capital amid rampant sectarian violence and attacks against U.S. forces.
…The military also said al-Zubaydi was reportedly responsible for a May 1 car bombing that killed a U.S. soldier in Baghdad, as well as attacks in Salahuddin and Diyala provinces to the north of the capital.
The military said al-Zubaydi was originally a member of the Sunni insurgent group Ansar al-Islam and joined al-Qaida in Iraq in 2004.
He was the terror network's military "emir" in eastern Baghdad before taking over responsibility "for all terrorist operations there this year," the military said.
Two really good things to note about this. First, the US military doesn’t think Shia groups are going to retaliate, they are letting the Iraqi government and US military take care of business.
Secondly and related, the day after this attack the US just finds this guy? I’m thinking they got some very good intelligence that allowed them to find this piece of shit right away.
It’s pretty clear that the people of Iraq have looked into the abyss that al Qaeda offers and aren’t going back to that. Ultimately, that was the purpose of the surge, to create security conditions that would enable people to live their lives and give them a do over of sorts. It looks like they are taking advantage of it.
Congratulations to the US troops involved in ridding the planet of that trash…good shooting men.

posted by DrewM. at
01:20 PM
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