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October 03, 2008
Bailout Bill Vote In The House Take Two UPDATE: IT PASSES
The debate is going on now and Granny Pelosi is giving a speech on the floor right now. It seems to be a straighter and bi-partisan speech.
The vote is coming up shortly.
UPDATE: Final Vote: 263-171
Now what? Will McCain take off the gloves on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mack and Barack Obama?
Beyond just tying Obama and the Democrats to this mess, I think McCain needs to hammer on Obama taking a pass on this bill. He didn't take a stand until the Senate voted and he did nothing to bring Democrats along during the first House vote. On the biggest issue of the day Obama basically took a pass. This is in McCain's wheel house and he really needs to take advantage of it...Presidents don't get to vote present.
Can I Just Say... [ace] Part of the reason I've been pushing this -- but only a small reason-- was my belief it would ultimately pass, and that if 1/3rd of the party continued hating it and thinking it was a socialist sell-out, the base would be depressed and dispirited and wind up not voting or not donating, etc.
I pretty much knew it would pass. Whether he was right to do so or not, the moment Paulson announced a crisis on the level of the Great Depression, it was going to pass. Because that's what government officials do, ultimately. Presented with a crisis -- real or ginned up-- the imperative to "do something" becomes overwhelming.
At any rate, against the bill or not, I sure hope this doesn't increase the odds of the GOP being wiped out in November. Unlike the cases of of amnesty and drilling, this one was mostly foreordained.

posted by DrewM. at
01:01 PM
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