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Bailout Bill Vote In The House Take Two UPDATE: IT PASSES »
October 03, 2008
"Without Preconditions"
A nice catch from Jonah Goldberg. Barack Obama not only stated he'd meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during the primary debates, his promise to do so is still on the campaign website:
Someone get Joe a shovel.
And predictably, the media is claiming Palin had the truth problem last night. The biggest complaint I've heard? She got the name of a general wrong. Ooohhh! Burn!
A new definition of BS - "Biden Says..." One thing I heard from the media is that Biden showed a greater grasp of the issues. As Goldberg points out, it's easy to sound confident when you're creating your own reality. It would be nice if the media pointed out Biden's repeated lies, but they're too busy patting him on the back for how gosh-darned smooth he sounds while doing it.

posted by Slublog at
11:05 AM
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