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September 04, 2008
Barack Obama: Andrew Sullivan
Sarah Palin: Growing Fears About The Atlantic's Credibility
I just can't quit him.
Excitable Detestable Andi, tonight, filled with heart-ache that a cute shot of Piper and Trig Palin was being shown in the context of a political campaign:
10.40 pm. We've just seen a picture of a seven year old cradling and stroking the hair of a Down Syndrome infant. This, apparently, is relevant to deciding who should be the next vice-president of the United States.
From Power Glute's blog online crush-diary, August 20, 2007:
Face of the Day

Barack Obama and daughter Sasha at the Iowa State Fair. By Scott Olson/Getty.
And, yeah, that whole matter of being very interested in Trig Palin indeed, at least until a DNA test conclusively establishes that Bristol is not his mother.
Thanks to Tom Maguire.
Sorry if this bores anyone. I forgot about The Vile One for a good long while, but he reminded me of his annoying and unnecessary presence in a big way this weekend, and I'm not done with this bitch until The Atlantic tosses him right out on his Power Glutes.