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September 02, 2008
Breaking: Solar Activity May Affect Temperatures On Earth And The Sun Isn't Very Active
I'm not a professional scientist blowhard like Al Gore but I always found it interesting that people were so willing to ignore that big glowing thing in the sky as a factor in the Earth's climate. The narrative is indeed all powerful.
Now it turns out some heretics scientists are actually considering the possibility that the Sun has an impact on temperatures here. And what they are seeing isn't what the Global Warming cultists want to here.
The sun has reached a milestone not seen for nearly 100 years: an entire month has passed without a single visible sunspot being noted.
The event is significant as many climatologists now believe solar magnetic activity – which determines the number of sunspots -- is an influencing factor for climate on earth.
According to data from Mount Wilson Observatory, UCLA, more than an entire month has passed without a spot. The last time such an event occurred was June of 1913. Sunspot data has been collected since 1749.
...In the past 1000 years, three previous such events -- the Dalton, Maunder, and Spörer Minimums, have all led to rapid cooling. One was large enough to be called a "mini ice age". For a society dependent on agriculture, cold is more damaging than heat. The growing season shortens, yields drop, and the occurrence of crop-destroying frosts increases.
As the article explains this activity, or lack thereof, was predicted in a paper 3 years ago but the paper was rejected by the journal Science as being too controversial. As you know, the science is settled. Except when it isn't.
Now do I think this finding and this phenomena settles anything? No. But it does seem that before we go off and destroy our economy in the name of stopping Global Warming, we should be pretty damn sure we know what we are talking about. I don't think anybody but a true believer would think otherwise.
In keeping with Palinmania...remember she isn't a cultist.
UPDATE: Whoops. Ace already posted it so it's old. But content has been moving pretty fast and furious around here so I'll leave it up because it might be new to some. Check out Ace's post as well if you missed it the first time since his has teh funny in it.

posted by DrewM. at
02:24 PM
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