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« GOP Convention Getting Back On Track UPDATE: Huck Angry. Huck Smashes In Defense Of Palin | Main | Breaking: Solar Activity May Affect Temperatures On Earth And The Sun Isn't Very Active »
September 02, 2008

Commit to Letting Go of Your Fears

That's it for me: I'm through.

I'm through letting the nitwits at NRO convince me that McCain's selection of Palin is a bad choice because someone who wasn't going to vote for McCain anyway might think that she's a bad choice.

I'm through letting "EeyorePundit" from HotAir depress me by sticking a knife into a candidate not because he thinks they're a pompous windbag, but because he gets off on creating controversy.

I'm through giving two fucks about what ANY employee of a cable, network or PBS broadcasting organization thinks about Sarah Palin, or as I began calling her this morning, "The Thrilla from Wasilla". Fuck 'em all, and that includes any political expert they bring on like Dick "toe-sucker" Morris or David "I worked for a Republican ONCE" Gergen.

I'm way fuckin' through with giving any sort of a fucking damn about what print journalists think about Sarah Palin. They lost me years ago, and they'd have to literally part the Red Sea again to get me back in their camp. Print journalism has gone the way of buggy whips and whale oil lamps, and the sooner it's taken out behind the barn and given one to the head, the better off we'll all be - conservative AND liberal.

I look at Sarah Palin and see a woman who agrees with me on several important issues. She's pro-2nd Amendment, pro-life, pro-drilling and pro-family values. That's family VALUES, not family PERFECTION. I don't expect my candidate to be lilly white with no marks on her record. If I were that stupid, I'd have voted for Huckabee in the caucus instead of Fred!

As far as all the issues she hasn't addressed yet, like allowing Iran to get nukes, prosecution of the GWoT, immigration, national fiscal policy, and "states rights" & 10th Amendment issues regarding Federalism, I'm going to assume that she's with me until she proves otherwise by her own statements. No longer will I believe ANY so-called "facts" presented to me by the media. They've lied to me so much that I've started to refer to myself as "Elizabeth Edwards" in private moments. If it's not "Bush was AWOL from the National Guard", it's some crap about "McCain is sleeping with a lobbyist" or "Fred Thompson insulted firemen in Northeast Iowa" or "Republicans in Wisconsin booed when President Bush wished President Clinton a speedy recovery from heart surgery". Or "Trig Palin isn't Sarah's son after all; he's her grandson". That's right up there with Trutherism, which is a category of it's own in the Bullshit Hall of Fame, IMFO. (In My Fucking Opinion, since we ARE the #1 site for profanity on the political right.)

From now on, my bias will be that ALL media stories are lies unless they're meticuously documented & attested to by vetted disinterested parties. The media has been playing by "Chicago Rules" for about 8 years now, and I'm adjusting my perceptions to allow for those distortions.

I don't like telling people on my side of the aisle to go fuck themselves. I've been a subscriber to NR for over a decade now, and AllahPundit is a long-standing fixture among Conservatives/Libertarians on the internet; however, if I don't banish these pessimists from my mental crawlspace, I'll NEVER get enthusiastic about supporting ANYONE in politics. And that sort of cynicism is just what the leftists want us to feel. After all, if you're more motivated to oppose a bad candidate than you are to support his imperfect but markedly better opponent, there's a pretty good chance that you're gonna say "Fuck it" and sit out the election.

And that, my friends, would be a big mistake.

Please don't confuse my refusal to let these pessimists win me over with a call to boycott their organizations. NR is still a great conservative magazine, and Allah's a wicked funny satirist who can get to the truth when others just see static. I'm just deciding to tune them out and listen to my own sense of right & wrong & take my own cousel on what's good for America.

UPDATE: I just had an email exchange with allahpundit, and he's nothing if not pleasant to converse with. I thought his Hot Air Headline was passive/agressive and smarmy, but he explained that I was wrong and he was just referencing my "personal" boycott instead of a general call to a boycott. He's very cool about the whole thing, and people should take that into consideration when they go after him personally. I got defensive when I checked out HA after being told of his link, and went off half-cocked. It's all good now.

I can't speak for the Corner at NRO. They haven't gotten ahold of me yet, but I'd assume that any of them who are asked about this post would answer "Russ who?"

digg this
posted by Russ from Winterset at 02:22 PM

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