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September 02, 2008
Scientists Predict: Global Warming Will End Under President Barack Obama
On the other hand, it will also end under President John McCain.
It will also end under a Sam Elliott/Powers Boothe Action Cowboy Co-Presidency.
In other words, it's ending.
No sunspots seen in an entire month -- the first time that's happened since 1913. Fewer sunspots = lower solar activity = lower earth temperatures.
A 2005 paper predicted sunspot activity would dwindle to nothing... but it was rejected for publication as being "too controversial." So, this is kind of a major thing.
And on top of that, the longer the delay before the next period of high sunspot activity, the more severe the cooling will be. And we've been waiting for the start of a new cycle for a long time.
Doesn't matter. The Black Hole Machine's going to kill us all first. So we're not only going to die, but Al Gore's going to get to keep his fucking Oscar.
This article is kind of funny. When global warming itself is not being directly discussed, or challenged, scientists and science journalists feel freer to kinda-sorta admit: You know, it's pretty much all about the Sun when you get right down to it.*
Shhh. Don't tell anyone. There are... political considerations to weigh when discussing science.
As a commenter said (sorry, forget who):
If only there were some... natural mechanism for explaining the warming and cooling phases of the earth.
This hypothetical mechanism would have to be a massive source of energy, however. Approximately on the scale of our own Sun.
PS, one observatory says they saw one tiny speck of a sunspot in August. So, if you go by their findings, it's merely a 50-year rarity rather than a century rarity.
Thanks to both Arthur and someone.
* Actually, they probably didn't mention global warming to avoid the delicate, politically charged question of whether it would sorta be a good thing to have some man-made warming in a period of severe solar cooling.
Oh: Last year alone, as sunspot activity continued to dwindle, we lost something like .7 Celsius in global mean temperature -- nearly wiping out all the scary-huge warming we've had over the past century (about 1 degree C). And more cooling seems to be on the way.