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Top Headline Comments 09-02-08 »
September 02, 2008
Left Fantasizes About a Race Without Palin [someone]
Faced with the all-too-real prospect of the Obamessiah's defeat, TalkLeft's formerly rational Jeralyn Merritt has has resorted to fingers-in-the-ears lalalalacan'thearyou denial:
Pool: What Day Will Sarah Palin Drop Out?
What's most amazing may be that a significant portion of her own readers (in the comments) realize how actually disgraceful such fantasizing is.
Of course, the Kos Kids Want to Believe as well... A full half of them have sacrificed all common sense on the altar of wishful thinking.
That dread you feel, lefties? It's not something you can wish away. But your responses show your true, ugly colors.

posted by xgenghisx at
07:55 AM
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