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May 27, 2008
Civics Quiz (genghis)
Ok class, please take out a #2 pencil. Eyes on your own desk, please. Dave, put away that Gameboy and pay attention!
Today we’ll be taking a Civics Literacy Quiz courtesy of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
According to Bruce “all your Sudetenland are belong to us” Ramsey:
”ISI is a kind of highbrow conservative group”
Glad we cleared that up. LauraW! How many times have I told you not to stick your gum in Gabe’s hair! See me after class, missy.
ISI gave the test to students at a number of universities, offering money for volunteers to take it. The best average score, 69.56%, was at Harvard University. Next were Grove City College (67.26%) Washington & Lee U (66.98%) and Yale (65.85%). University of Washingon students scored at 55.88%, which was about in the middle. At the bottom were students at St. Thomas University in Florida, at 32.5%.
Thank you. You may now begin. You have until the end of the period.
Note: The automatic scoring thingy was broken over the weekend, so if it still isn’t working, you can find the correct answers here.
Thanks to Sound Politics. Originally posted there on May 22nd.

posted by xgenghisx at
06:45 PM
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