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February 15, 2008
New Moon Mission
The House Science and Technology Committee's opinion on NASA's plan to revisit the moon: BOOOORING.
And, frankly, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin is sick of hearing them complain.
"I'm always intrigued by the idea that since we've spent a few days on the moon that the place is now uninteresting for all future time and that we should ignore it and head straight for Mars," Griffin told lawmakers Wednesday, reports Florida Today. The NASA chief also dismissed criticism of NASA's plan from a conference of scientists at Stanford University, as "foolish."
The real reason NASA wans to go back is that they left some shit behind. Jean jacket with a bitchin' mix tape in the pocket.
At no time in history has a lost jean jacket containing a bitchin' mix tape ever been recovered by its owner. I think we can all agree that this singular human achievement is well worth the proposed $104 Billion and more than a decade of development.
Plus they're all totally excited to check out what happened to that RB on rye with extra mayo that Eugene left under a rock near one of the flags. Boys will be boys.

posted by Laura. at
11:59 AM
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