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August 31, 2007
-Sinistar @doubleplusundead
Hardly, says I. A Texas woman thinks she has chupacabra attacking her farm animals, I think she has feral Mexican Hairless Dogs, or a mutt with that breed, or a close relative. Look at the skin tone of the dog in the article, and the one in the Wiki page, note the shape of the ears. Its similar, and keep in mind, the 'chupacabra' has been dead awhile, plus it could be older, which may explain the wrinkles and ears sitting down on the head.
I don't know why, but I like the whole dog breeding/show thing. I've always liked seeing the different breeds, and learning what the purpose of the breed was or what it was naturally made to do, so I had a pretty strong idea of what this thing was immediately.
Crossposted at doubleplusundead.
Found at Hotair Headlines.
posted by xgenghisx at
11:21 PM
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