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August 30, 2007
Leaking, Leaking, Leaking: Larry Craig's Police Interview Audio Now Online
The odd thing here is that liberal leaking is not necessarily harmful to conservatives, who really need to push Craig out of office.
Still, I have to imagine this would have remained under wraps had a Democrat been involved.
I know this from the conservative Washington Times. Liberals leak to them, too.
Anyway, via the Washington Times' Fishwrap,enjoy the most cringey audio of the year.
"Wide stance" is said here.
So is "I don't call the media," this from the arresting officer. Well, someone in the department sure does.
And also: "I don't want to get into a pissing contest here."
And: "I tend to spread my legs as I take down my pants."
This stuff is going to be in a thousand remixes.
Reason hand went down to the floor: To pick up a piece of toilet paper on the floor.
Ummm... everything on a public restroom floor is radioactive. And he's playing Cleaney McPickerupperson?