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August 05, 2007
Sean Penn's Pedigree [rcl]
With his recent meeting with beloved Venezuelen strongman Hugo Chavez, many people are wondering what motivates Sean Penn to seek affirmation from lethal dictators, hate George Bush and go to disaster areas in leaky boats? The answer might be in his upbringing…
"...Leo was never a card-carrying Communist; he was a
Democrat, all his life..."
Eileen Ryan Penn, on her husband and Sean Penn's
father, blacklisted communist Leo Penn. From Sean
Penn's biography, "Sean Penn: His Life and Times", by
Richard T. Kelly, Canongate U.S., Page 14.
Regarding Sean Penn's political beliefs, this sentence
might be construed as a clue. It's also a nice
summation of the Party of Pelosi, Kennedy, Dean and
Harry "MOM! The Republicans are making faces at me!"
Reid. We're not Communists! We're Democrats!

posted by xgenghisx at
12:51 AM
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