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Sean Penn's Pedigree [rcl] »
August 05, 2007
Hi, my name is lauraw and I'll be your wet blanket this evening.
Can I bring you something to drink before I slap you with a mackerel?
No? All right then, I'll just start right in with tonight's Special.
First of all, please know that you're all like family to me; finger-sniffing mental defectives that I adore dearly.
You gibbering gibbons are gonna queer the deal.
Let me refresh you with this quote from our bloghost:
This is a weird thing-- you might think it's the case that the more posts, the better -- after all, people can just scroll past stuff -- but it's not true. There is an upper limit to how many posts make a blog feel busy, lively; beyond that it gets chaotic and discussions are fragmented. I ran into this problem before when I asked on like 8 guest bloggers; it turned out there were just too many posts.
A good number for any day is around 25. Beyond that you have chaos.
The post this quote came from is about fifty entries down the page.
Look, it's exciting to be posting on a blog of this magnitude and cultural importance to 'tards everywhere. Understood. I'm with ya.
IMAO, Ace's experiment has been a resounding success and a lot of fun.
You do want to feel this rush of exhilaration again, don't you?

posted by Laura. at
12:48 AM
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