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August 05, 2007
Rightwingsparkle has seen the future [mesablue]
And, its really not that bad.
With picturey goodness.
I have a vision of the future. We are all gathered in a court room somewhere in America. We are key witness's in the serial murderer trial of the century. Why? Because the murderer posted on this site all the time. We chatted with him. He began to tell stories of gruesome murder. We laughed. He had always told wild stories.
But these were different. More detailed. But we pushed away whatever uncomfortable feelings we might be having.
The funny thing will be how we won't be able to call each other by our given names. We will keep referring to each other as "Brewfan,"Purple Avenger," and "mesablue." The press will focus on what a strange group we are.
But there we will be. There will be a big screen in the courtroom, for all the world to see, and the world will be watching. Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and court TV will have wall to wall coverage. "RIGHTWING HATE SITE IGNORE MURDERER IN IT'S MIDST!!" screams the headlines. Ace's body, btw, was never found.
And on this big screen will be all our insane conversations. None of them in context and the world will deem us FREAKS. Will will be driven out of the country. President Hillary will declare us no longer citizens and we will all go live in Sweden smoking pot while Purple Avenger builds us a communal home.
And poor Wickedpinto will be put to death for crimes he never committed, but at one time or another described here anyway.
You know that is how it is going down, don't you?
Luckily (or not), the paparazzi were able to capture this amazing point in time.
Here we are in the courtroom. Wickedpinto stands up to give a hard cold stare at lauraw after she curses him for getting us into all this.
The arrest.
Group picture before the trial.
Once we make it to Sweden.
Retired Geezer in Sweden.
Bart and RWS -- yeah, she gets younger and cuter, go figure.
Nice Deb and Purple Avenger -- so not geriatric.
Dave in Sweden.
Tushar, slightly before the deportation hearing.
MCPO Anchor Clanker. Didn't know you were also in the Army.
Stormy70. Meeeow!!!
z ryan.
And, your humble moron open blogger. Who hopes to not get kicked out for all of this blatent hotlinking. Well, almost hotlinking.
Be sure to check out the thread where RWS had this revelation and we all planned our escape to Scandi Land.
*And, thanks to John F Not Kerry -- for sending the secret message disguised as a cat blogging post.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:44 AM
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