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August 05, 2007
Google Confirms Sullivan's Suspicions: Rove is The Anti-Christ [rcl]
Saint Andrew, the Kos Kids, Oliver Willis (between Twinkie infusions), they have the goods. Karl Rove is a malevolent entity sent by Satan to destroy the world. Their proof? As Rosie says "Google it!"
"...The Catholic pillar of Karl Rove's coalition,
cemented in Rome last month, will be stronger in the
U.S. than ever..."
Friday, May 20, 2005,4:01:00 PM
"Bush's Brain - A Documentary About Karl Rove"
"...Depicting Mr. Rove with the blue blade that
represents a novice whose path in the Force has not
yet been chosen is, at best, generous to the veteran
political operative and erstwhile wunderkind..."
Rovian mind-control, Sith Lord Rove, Bush's Brain,
controlling the Catholic Church. We know that Sullivan
has the goods. The metaphors are so ubiquitious, I was
starting to wonder if maybe there was some truth to
it. Is Rove...demonic.
I ran the following in Google:
"rove demonic"
The result:
"Results 1 - 9 of about 33 for "rove demonic""
Compelling, but it lacked certitude.
I ran:
"rove machiavellian"
The results:
"Results 1 - 10 of about 117 for "rove machiavellian""
117 references to the term "rove machiavellian"
Now that's convincing.
As a control, I ran the following as controls with the
following results:
"Your search - "carville machiavellian" - did not
match any documents."
"Your search - "begala machiavellian" - did not match
any documents."
"Your search - "stephanopoulos machiavellian" - did
not match any documents."
Your search - "erskine bowles machiavellian" - did not
match any documents.
"Your search - "bill clinton machiavellian" - did not
match any documents."
"Your search - "hillary clinton machiavellian" - did
not match any documents."
Eight years of scandals, bribes, treason and
intimidating women who Bill had molested or leched
over, and not one reference to Machiavelli.
It's true.
By the uncontestable logic of a Google search, I can
show beyond a shadow of doubt that Karl Rove,
Republican political operative, truly is the unholy
Lord of Darkness.
Tremble along with Saint Andy.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:42 AM
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