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DecapiGate: AP's Claim of 20 Beheaded Corpses, Based On Hearsay From Far-Away Police Sources, Will Be Officially Noted As "Unsubstantiated" BY MNF Tomorrow �
June 29, 2007
Another Car Bomb Found In London
Another fictitious terrorist alert, designed to distract from Bush's failure on immigration.
Hours after the discovery, police closed a major road � Park Lane � and cleared people from the adjacent Hyde Park because of a suspicious vehicle.
Police were called by parking garage employees to investigate a vehicle that smelled heavily of gasoline and that had been towed from the city center around the same time the other explosive was being defused. Sky News reported that the device found in this vehicle � a blue Mercedes � was similar to the one found in the theater district.
Fuel Air Bombs: Which, fortunately, was incorrectly mixed. Alas I don't think they'll make this mistake again.
The bombs, everyone's saying, resemble those seen frequently in Baghdad. I don't know if they mean down to the actual bomb design or just the concept of a car-bomb, but it's getting nasty.
I won't get glib here about withdrawing from Britain.
I will say that Britain needs to do a serious cost-benefit analysis on the value of its ever-growing community of Islamic immigrant bomb-buddies.
Jihadi Website Announced Last Night That London Would Be Bombed: Wishful thinking? Or prior knowlege?
Hours before London explosives technicians dismantled a large car bomb in the heart of the British capital's tourist-rich theater district, a message appeared on one of the most widely used jihadist Internet forums, saying: "Today I say: Rejoice, by Allah, London shall be bombed."
CBS News found the posting, which went on for nearly 300 words, on the "al Hesbah" chat room. It was left by a person who goes by the name abu Osama al-Hazeen, who appears regularly on the forum. The comment was posted on the forum, according to time stamp, at 08:09 a.m. British time on June 28 -- about 17 hours before the bomb was found early on June 29.
Al Hesbah is frequently used by international Sunni militant groups, including al Qaeda and the Taliban, to post propaganda videos and messages in their fight against the West.