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June 29, 2007
Libertarian, Small-Government Fiscal Hawk Ron Paul ♥ Home-District Pork
Why, a lot of these requests seem to be funding projects in Galveston, Texas.
Are there any Congressmen Ron Paul might know who keep an office in Galveston, Texas?
Hmmm... it's a mystery. But check the letterhead.
Fiat Money
End the tyranny of worthless paper currency unbacked by gold! Oh, but first, I have a shrimp hostaery off the coast of Galveston, Texas that can use some it to check their catches for high bromide content.
Thanks to John.
Heh: Drew writes:
The funding will be used for a Nursing Educational Doctoral Program/UTMB distance education program"
"The funding will be used for funding a railway bridge replacement"
"The funding will be used for converting to a web-based and data driven automated system for nursing students on the Texas gulf coast"
Hmmmm, what articles of the Constitution authorizes these activities?
Ron Paul just emailed me to say the answer is Article 1, Section Shut Your Stupid Piehole.
At Least Ron Paul Disclosed His Earmark Requests: Unlike the vast majority of our Senators. CNN asked them to disclose their earmark requests. The results were... as expected, alas.
When it comes to elected officials and earmarks, the policy seems to be the less said the better.
This time the cold shoulder is coming from the Senate, which, like members of the House of Representatives, don't want the public to know which pet projects they want taxpayers to fund.
Since Monday, CNN has called -- or tried to call -- all 100 senators, asking them if they would release their 2008 earmark requests. More often then not, calls were immediately sent to voice mail and never returned. (Watch how senators responded to questions about earmarks Video)
Only six senators gave us their requests and five said they made no earmark requests. Nineteen said they would not give us their requests and 70 did not return calls. (See how your senator responded)
Last week, of 435 members of the House of Representatives, 312 did not respond to our requests. Of the remainder, 47 gave us their requests, 68 said they would not and six said they had not made earmark requests.
Via Instapundit.
It's really not fair to pillory Ron "The Ultimate Patriot" Paul when most of these assholes flat-out refuse to say how they're corruptly demanding federal agencies spend your money.