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June 29, 2007
DecapiGate: AP's Claim of 20 Beheaded Corpses, Based On Hearsay From Far-Away Police Sources, Will Be Officially Noted As "Unsubstantiated" BY MNF Tomorrow
Confederate Yankee has been on this all day. A day or two ago I heard about a gruesome discovery in Baghdad: 20 corpses lacking their heads.
The AP's sourcing on this was spotty, as ConYang noted. And now MNF says that they have heard absolutely nothing about this, and will put out a statement calling the report wholly "unsubstantiated" tomorrow."
Incidentally... I was reluctant to post this earlier, given the kinda-sorta false alarm over Jamil Hussein. But if this pile of headless bodies was supposedly discovered by police days ago and MNF still has not heard a thing about it, then I think AP may have a problem on its hands. Again.
They could be right. It could be that, I don't know, the Iraqi military discovered the bodies and then buried them without officially reporting them, in order to hide the carnage or something... but the fact is no one's apparently yet seen one of this score's worth of decapitated bodies.