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June 16, 2007
Dirty Filthy Scummy Scandis
Why I hate them, part nine thousand two hundred and eighty three:
He is, Wunderkraut informs me, a penguin-sucker of the Swedish variety.
Wunderkraut posts an update about his daughter, who was born club-footed and has had to bear casts and surgeries and bar-shoes for almost all of her three year old life. But she's walking now (video!), and what she lacked in the foot department she really made up for in the cuteness category.
Why... did I post this picture, a commenter asks. Well, just because it's funny, and he's a Scandi.
I've linked the reason for my hatred of Scandis above now. I first admitted my hatred of the snow-wops and icebacks here, and found, to my delight, that virtually all of my readers similarly despised the puffin-sucking luge-humping shaved Yetis we know as "Scandinavians."
Wunderkraut corrects and says he's not Swedish, he's German, but that the dirty Scandis love him.
I explain in the comments, echoing Dennis Hopper, that Germans are Scandis, more or less.
You may think that "Mr. Cool Ice" is written there in English. That's not true -- it's actually just German words with false-cognate English equivalents. In the actual German lanaguage, "Mr. Cool Ice" translates to "I haven't had steady employment since Falco recorded Der Kommissar."