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May 30, 2007
Alcohol May Have Played A Role
You know how it is. You're sitting around with your cousin, shootin' the shit, partaking of a beverage or two, and suddenly someone gets stabbed with a pitchfork.
All three men were drinking in their mobile home in the 1200 block of Paseo Derecho around 10 p.m. Sunday, when the two cousins began arguing over who was older.
One of the cousins grabbed a pitchfork, and when the uncle stepped between his nephews, he was stabbed in the arm.
Emphasis mine.
Look, I've seen a lot of family squabbles. I just can't quite figure out how this one could have turned into a full-blown fight. Even in Texas.
One asshole just isn't enough. You really need two complete assholes to take this one to the physical level.
"Naaaww...bitch, I don't care what that driver'sh lishense saysh...bullshit, you don't remember when I was born, I 'amember whe YOU were born...you were, you were, real small, an' wrapped in a blan-(hic), blan-(hic), blanket...oh, sure, CALL AUNT CATHY. FINE. FINE. CALL AUNT CATHY, she alwaysh takes your fuckin' side, doeshen't she, bitch. BRAAAAPPP. PUT DOWN THE PHONE (SCUFFLE ENSUES)"
Thanks to eddiebear.

posted by Laura. at
04:19 PM
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