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May 25, 2007
Tender Thoughts On The Thirtieth Anniversary Of Star Wars
Thirty years ago, my parents went to see the original Star Wars in the theater, and afterwards something happened.
Maybe it was Han Solo's rakish, devil-may-care attitude of casual insouciance; maybe it was Princess Leia's prominent lack of breast-restraining undergarments; maybe it was the exquisite sexual tension between Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin.
At any rate, something about the movie affected them, because believe me when I tell you: They went home and got it on.
Nine months later, yours truly came mewling and cuss-talking into the world.
So thanks, George Lucas, and congratulations on your movie's thirty years of success. It's not too far of a stretch to say that without you, I'd be nothing more than a few of my old man's Y chromosomes shot into a Kleenex.
And thank god you didn't decide to make The Phantom Menace first.

posted by AndrewR at
03:54 PM
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