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April 18, 2007
NBC/MSNBC Should be Ashamed
These guys are idiots.
I can't believe they aired all this crap the shooter sent.
I can't believe they are giving his "manifesto" serious air time.
Lemme make an analogy here:
Ever watched a baseball game on say, WTBS or WGN, when some asshat jumps on the field?
What happens?
The producers of the game pull their cameras off the field. They focus on the broadcast booth. They focus on the dugouts. They focus on the bullpen.
They keep attention on everything but the idiot running around in the outfield, to deny him the attention he so obviously craves.
Game on, brother! They might as well be inviting the rest of the idiots in the stands to take a lap around the basepaths.
And for what?
Does it help the investigation? Does it help those who were injured? Does it help a community make sense of it's losses?
Or does it just goose a failing networks ratings?
Apparently, Brian Williams is going to be talking more about this "manifesto" on the Today Show tomorrow as well. I'm going to answer my own question and say "goose a failing networks ratings."
Enjoy your blood money, NBC.
And when the next psycho sends you a package after killing a number of innocent people? I hope you don't insult me by acting surprised.

posted by Jack M. at
08:11 PM
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