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February 02, 2007
Liberal Bloggers Whine That Big Hillary! Ad-Buy Didn't Include Them
Here's one whine:
Single proprietor bloggers may not get the traffic of the gigantic community blogs, but we do a lion share of the work out here as well. … Taking me out of the equation for a moment, shouldn’t Clinton at least help out a few of the small female only blogs, reaching out to females everywhere? You’d think that would be important to her.
It is important to her, although she's not sure if it's the smartest strategy.
Blog PI writes:
And to editorialize for a moment, there is something unseemly about complaining that an advertiser did not buy ads on one’s site. Daou and the Clinton team are under no obligation to buy ads on anybody’s site. Yes, Marsh is a member of the netroots in good standing — she has worked for the SEIU and MyDD to cover a labor dispute in Las Vegas — but the same is true of dozens of other bloggers whom Clinton missed on the first round. As Daou said to me, it’s impossible to buy on every site. And at least as of this morning, Marsh has made no acknowledgment of her inclusion in the next phase of the Clinton ad buy.
If it’s not exactly extortion, it does betray the kind of myopic egocentrism that establishment Democrats use — sometimes as an excuse, sometimes not — to keep the netroots at bay.
Not sure what he means by that last sentence-- that the Democrat establishment is using the possibility of blandishments/threat of denial of ad revenues to keep the lefty netroots from seething too hard against candidates?
Hillary! bought ads on a bunch of conservative sites, too, including Powerline, Captain Ed, Hugh Hewitt, Wizbang, etc.
Not here.
I'm very upset that Hillary! doesn't seem to care about a multiple-proprietor mostly-male blog doing the lion's share of the work in raising community consciousness that she is a total fucking dick.