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This Has To Be Fake »
October 30, 2006
Left Publicizes Facebook Pic of Corker's Daughter Kissing A Girl

From Wonkette , which now seems to be officially a gay website, and which is crowing that it got the smooch story pushed into the MSM. (Well, defnining MSM as a "nobody columnist from the Atlanta Commercial Appeal -- but of course now all the MSM will pick up on it).
The justification for this? Well, of course, Republicans did it first (as they've noted the Ford clan seems to make most of its money as lobbyists), Republicans hate gays (no need to elaborate), and hypocrisy (about something or other).
As usual. The left apparently holds itself to very high standards, or rather they would, but they have to "get tough" against all these mean and racist and homnophobic attacks by Republicans.
Update: A parody anti-Ford ad, which is slightly more racist than the real one. (Moderate content warning.)