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October 27, 2006
Continued Befuddlement At Prigishness Of Right On Webb's Penis-In-Mouth Disease
Let me get this straight: We're determined to win this war. We're willing to harshly coerce terrorists to get vital information, and commit 150,000+ (maybe more) of our boys to Battlefield Iraq to win it.
However, we're above using the left's tactics against them to defeat a war opponent who will work to undermine our efforts if he's elected?
That's where we stand?
When did that memo get circulated?
Need I remind everyone that this was a safe Republican retention until the Macaca/"Felix" Allenowitz/Not-A-Real-Southerner-Except-When-It-Comes-To-Colereds bullshit got started up by the left, with the Washington Post's able and eager hand-maiding?
The seat was put into jeopardy by stupidity. Why should we not use stupidity to push it back into the safe column?
I don't get it.
Someone will have to explain this to me, pound me over the head until I get it, lift me up by my ankle's and put my penis into his mouth until I understand.
How about a trade-off? We won't discuss this somewhat-silly issue when the media agrees to finally begin discussing an important one it has all but embargoed.