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September 08, 2006
Fake But Accurate: The Meme of the Day [AnalogKid]
You know, fake but accurate was used when the Left was calling for Bush's impeachment the first time. In other words, the specifics may be wrong, the charge baseless, but Bush deserves to be targeted, so this charge will work as well as the next one. That always reeks of Kangaroo courts and fascist manhunts.
That is exactly the opposite of what is happening with this movie. This is a drama that portrays real life events based on a commission's report on the chronology of events leading up to 9/11. If there are innaccuracies in the telling, there is #1, no criminal charges at stake (only legacies for ex-Presidents), and #2, no substantive (I hope) misrepresentation of the failures that got us where we were on 9/11.
Look, this movie talks about a lot of things, including the Khobar Towers (Clinton's Watch), the Cole (Clinton's Watch), the first WTC Bombing (Clinton's Watch). From what I understand, it also does a pretty good number on Bush, who deserves his share of the blame. I'll be interested to see if there is reference to the Beirut Murders on Reagan's watch, which was his biggest failure..
Do you on the Left actually want to portray that this movie seeks to cast blame rather than to portray a chronology? My sense is that it will not - there is plenty of blame to go around. Do you actually think that somehow it is false to portray, say, the first WTC bombing as not related to the rise of IslamoFascism and the empowerment of Bin Laden, leading to his commissioning the events on 9/11?
I get the very real feeling that Clinton's blather about innaccuracies is being used to dismiss the whole movie and the whole thrust of the argument. To wit, the leadership of this country was asleep at the switch for a number of years, and the resulting portrayal of ineptitude and weakness caused our enemies to exploit us on September 11th. That is a reality that cannot be refuted, unless you live in the reality-based community.
But if you want to focus on whether John O'Neil is prtrayed as left handed when he was right handed, then go to it. You're missing the bigger picture that the 9/11 commission painted, no matter the politics and distortions that characterized that committee (remember Jamie Gorelick, the "Wall", not recusing herself?). Hopefully this movie is accurate in that portrayal, be damned who it offends.