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September 08, 2006
Larry Johnson: "Coordinated Assault" On "Steely-Eyed" Fitzgerald Proves Cheney Is About To Be Indicted
And Stephen Hadley, too.
This guy used to be in the CIA, remember. How unnerving is that?
He writes:
A story in today's New York Times by David Johnston is the latest salvo in what looks like a coordinated assault on the steely-eyed prosecutor.
Seixon answers:
Coordinated assault? The New York Times, the LA Times, the Washington Post, etc, etc are all coordinating to get Fitzgerald? Oh Larry, you really need to leave those left-wing conspiracy thoughts at home where they belong. You just end up looking silly.
Let us just say that the NYT, LAT, and WaPo "coordinating" an "assault" in order to help Bush, Cheney, and Rove is a far less unlikely team-up than the Saddam-Osama alignment we were all told was flat-out impossible.
(Despite the fact that Saddam invited bin Ladin to Iraq to have a new sanctuary, etc.)