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Whiter Shade of Pale -- Michael »
September 06, 2006
The Klan Rallies at Gettysburg -- Michael
You have to have a certain grudging admiration for guys who can look like such fucktardinous morons without dying of embarrassment.
Is the crotch-fondling some sort of Klan symbol? Maybe he's just covering up because, well, he's just not that big compared to the people he hates.
GETTYSBURG, Pa. - About 30 Ku Klux Klan members proclaimed hatred for blacks, Jews, gays and Latinos as they stood behind barricades at the Civil War battlefield where Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address.
Yeah, big deal. A bunch of dorks desecrate an American shrine with their message of racial hate. Yawn.
Gordon Young of the World Knights of the Ku Klux Klan also called Saturday for the U.S. to pull its troops out of Iraq and use them to patrol the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration.
Wait a frickin' minute. Are you telling me these jerks want to interfere with my God-given right to cheap yard work?
They must be stopped.
Klan holds rally at Gettysburg - Yahoo! News
[This is a slightly revised copy of a post I already did at Innocent Bystanders. But what the heck, Ace has obviously taken the evening off, and this blog could use some fresh content. There's only about 25 people that read Innocent Bystanders anyway. But they comment a lot, so you can check the IB post for some hilarious "caption contest" comments in the thread to get you started here.]