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September 05, 2006
ALERT: Stevens Replaces Hold
A source who would know says:
GOP leadership staff just [revealed] that Sen. Stevens has replaced his hold on S.2590.
Did he think we'd forget after two days? Does he imagine we're as retarded as he is?
I wonder if this means that other hold, the one from the Democrat, is just Byrd again.
I'm thinking this may have less to do with future pork than with exposing what will quite likely look like outright corruption in the past.
UPDATE (JACK M.): Ace has made Ted Stevens angry. You wouldn't like Ted Stevens when he's angry.....

"Stevens smash puny Coburn! No put spending money on intertubes! Stevens smash stupid tubes too!"
H/T: I found the p'shop at the following link.
It seemed to good not to use.