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September 02, 2006
Ace's Physical Symptoms [AnalogKid]
Like Michael, I am suspicious of Ace's physical sysmptoms. Is he, as Michael suggests, simply taking a page from Paul Anka's band and coasting while the Innocent Bystanders haul the heavy stuff? Or are the physical symptoms real, but present because of some hidden shame, some super secret exertion, some bit of dirty laundry that dare not speak its name?
I quote:
I'm back, but still a zombie. I don't seem to be able to sleep enough or eat enough.
Welcome to the end of youth.
Thanks to super secret sources inside the Ace of Spades HQ, I can now reveal the truth: Ace has been laid up for 46 straight hours with his Player's Handbook, the entire line of Vagisil lubricants, a case of Val-U-Rite and this playing on a loop on his once powerful Dell...
... And he looks like he got wadded up and flushed through a You-Suck-It-Male Enhancer. Hasn't eaten. No sleep. No real human contact. Just the preview playing over and over, and tissues everywhere.
It's OK Ace. We're here for you. And Dave in GR understands. We'll be here when you get back.
SFW Pics after the bump. Unless you're an evil robot ... then they're not safe at all.
I give you Optimus Prime ...

I give you the face of Bumblebee ...