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June 18, 2006
And You Thought Muslims Said Bad Things About Jews!
They seem to have a whole bunch of superstitions about different Islamic sects. Sunnis think Shi'as have tails; and non-Sunnis think Sunni women are really into a particular sex act I'll call "The Wonkette Special."
Rightwing Lesbian Megan comments:
Over one billion people are supposed to believe in this nonsense. This vicious, satanic, Koranic bullshit. This bloodsoaked Mohammedanism. This vile, barbaric, superstitious Arab garbage. This filthy death cult in which cowardly shithead losers who blow themselves up and inflict pain and death and loss and despair on innocent women and children are lauded as holy, in which people are stoned to death for loving someone of the same sex, in which women have acid thrown in their faces, in which women are burned alive, in which baby girls have their genitals mutilated for the crime of having two fucking X chromosomes.
And then she stops tip-toeing around the issue and tells us what she really thinks.
Rightwing Lesbian Megan laughs at Ann Coulter.
The Religion Of Peace Is Fun And All Until A Woman Gets Brutally Stabbed To Death By Her Family Update: Father and brother stab young woman to death for daring to reject family's chosen slate of arranged husbands. This happened in Londonistan.
A lot of this savagery cannot be blamed directly on Islam. Much of this is simple Stone Age barbarism.
But Islam certainly doesn't help. It's a decidedly Stone Age religion in philosophy, and rejects all "modern" notions, stuff like "you should not butcher your daughter or sister in an 'honor killing' just because she doesn't want to marry one of the primatives you've decided she should be a slave to."
Prosperity makes life worth living. The more prosperous a culture, the more happiness can be pursued, the more value a life has. A life stops being something simply to be endured and becomes something that actually can be enjoyed; and then murder and death start seeming like bad things, rather things devoutly to be wished.
Islam -- rule by know-nothing clerics who have no skills or creativity or industry whatsoever, save for chanting 22 hours a day -- keeps these cultures poor and life, consequently, cheap.
"Honor killings" happen because all these people have is their (undeserved) sense of "honor." They've got nothing else. No prospects for happiness, for betterment, for individuality, for economic advancement. No vision of a world constantly improving through science and medicine and technology.
And the Islamic religion, either by accident or design, keeps its captives in a permanent state of misery and want and hopelessness. When all you have is the next world, there's little reason to not simply butcher an uppity woman in this one.
Thanks to Craig.
Barbarism Isn't Just Islamic: Man slashes son, wife to death with machete.
The difference? He'll be put in jail, possibly put to death, unless he can manage to convince a jury he's insane.
The father in the "honor killing" described above, however, fled back to his native Pakistan where he is being hidden by his family members.
There's a slight difference between a culture where lunatic savagery occasionally occurs and one in which it is excused and defended by the public at large.