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June 14, 2006
School District's Expert Alleges: Sexual Assault On Severely Mentally-Challenged Woman "Pleasurable"
Gotta love the US school system.
The parents of a severely disabled woman suing a Colorado Springs school district over a sexual assault at a high school said the district has refused to mediate a civil lawsuit as one of its experts called the attack "pleasurable" for the woman.
Kalie McArthur, now 20 and with an IQ of about 50, was assaulted in September 2004 at Rampart High School by a 15-year-old boy assigned as a peer trainer, said Jeff Weeks, an attorney for the girl and her parents.
This is the best part:
The boy, who had been suspended 20 times in the previous year and had a 0.0 grade point average, wasn't screened or trained and spent an unknown amount of time with McArthur, her parents, Cindy Starr and James McArthur said.
Sounds like the perfect candidate as a "peer trainer" for a mentally challenged woman.
0.0 GPA? I didn't know that was possible outside of a John Landis movie.
Via Fark.