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June 14, 2006
Demand Congressional Reform
Why can't our political process be like this?
Pandemonium broke out in Taiwan's parliament when deputies attacked a woman colleague for snatching and trying to eat a proposal on opening direct transport links with China in a bid to stop a vote on the issue.
Lawmakers of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party charged towards the podium and protested noisily to prevent the review of an opposition proposal seeking an end to decades-old curbs on direct air and shipping links with China.
Amid the chaos, DPP deputy Wang Shu-hui snatched the written proposal from an opposition legislator and shoved it into her mouth, television news footage showed.
We've been watching footage of melees in the Taiwanese parliament for years. I'm so jealous.
I want to see Barbara Boxer vainly trying to obstruct some legislation by devouring the pages, and for her Republican colleagues to pound the crap out of her.
I want to see people rush up and drag Teddy Kennedy away from the podium, hitting him in the legs with bags of marbles.
Arlen Specter would be getting purple nerples everytime he started getting wobbly.
Is that so wrong? The element of physical danger would attract better people- courageous people missing a lot of teeth- to the House and Senate. And spineless bastards wouldnt want the job anymore.
Gonna go compose a petition right now.

posted by Laura. at
02:01 PM
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