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June 03, 2006
Economic Performance Pop Quiz
Q: Was U.S. economic growth higher during the time John Snow was Treasury Secretary, or during the time Robert Rubin was Treasury Secretary?
A: It was the same , 3.8 percent.
Via Instapundit, who wonders why we heard so much more about Rubin's amazing economic stewardship than Snow's.
It's a real stumper, I'll grant him that. I'm scratching my head like crazy to figure this mystery out.
Also from Instapundit... Gateway Pundit's recap of demonstrations in Iran.
He wonders why this isn't getting major media attention.
I actually don't. When I started this blog, I posted a lot about uprisings and demonstrations in Iran. I found that most of those reports were overstated (often by well-meaning but biased student groups), and, in any event, never led to anything, except of course for the banning of a large number of legislative candidates and the "election" of President Ahmadinejad.
I just think it's a dangerous false hope to think that anything outside of punishing external force is going to change Iran. I'd love a Pistacchio Revolution, but it's not going to happen.