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June 03, 2006
Canada's NSA/CIA Possible Target Of Attack; Leftist Canadian Bloggers Suspects Story Is False, All "Mind Control"
Captain Ed:
They appeared to have particular interest in the CSIS [Canadian Special Intelligence Service] due to media reports of racial and religious profiling.
Yup. How dare those nutjobs at the CSIS suspect Muslims of wanting to blow shit up! Why, to teach them a lesson, we'll.. blow them up!
A good question:
For all those who are quick to blame the West for the world's ills, what did Canada do to "deserve" this?
They share a border with the US, duh. And also, some within their government have this crazy idea that Muslims might want to blow shit up.
Allah has a a big roundup, including good stuff like one was a US citizen, and that, once again, these poor, disenfranchised Muslims were neither poor nor disenfranchised. They had money and good jobs. They're just vicious pricks who belong to a psychopathic death-cult.
He also has a link to this asshole, a moron Canadian leftist who claims to be an "independent." Independent of common sense, I guess:
The only time Paul Martin ever tried to inflict this kind of fear and anxiety on us was during the last election. And considering what Harper's been up to lately, I'm thinking maybe it wasn't just a hoax after all.
The Conservatives are using all means at their disposal to burn fear into our brains. Harper's real war is a propaganda war and it's being waged against the Canadian public. We're talking about serious mind control here and the most powerful terrorists at work are Stephen Harper and his minions.
When Bush was elected he pulled all the same tricks Harper is pulling now. CSIS = CIA and all that entails. Scare the population into voting for General Harper. Give him a majority and he'll protect us from terrorism at home.
Not so fast. I want hard facts and evidence of what we're being told. None of that rumour and speculation Bush has been force feeding the American voters for years.
This is a badass publicity monster that feeds off itself. It feeds off our fears and confusion. Terrorists are everywhere and nowhere. Invisible yet omnipresent.
Baby, if it feeds off your confusion, it's one well-fed publicity monster.
Meanwhile, at Democratic Underground...
George W. Harper is at it again
Ratcheting up the fear. It's really sad to watch the country I've loved descend into neocon madness. The timetable is just a few years behind the United States, and it's so painful to watch because the script is being followed so precisely.
Down here, we know what comes next, because we've already been there. In the name of Barbara Frum, I beg you ... turn back now, while there's still time.
They also were betting that the terrorists were "rightwingers" earlier, in between crying "FRAUD" and that the explosives were "planted." I like the level-headedness and seriousnes this fellow brings to the table:
EXCUSE ME...22 yr old kids??? THIS IS A SET UP!
Its so goddamn obvious...where are everyone's brains?
The Black Ops are going to continue to overwhelm thhe American Peoples. It's a huge lie...and you're all acting as if it has credibility here.
Lots of "Wake up, people!" crap. Yeah, it's other people who need to wake up, right?
Thanks to Jack Straw for suggesting I check out the DUchebags.