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December 13, 2005
Hoist the Black Flag at 4PM Eastern Time

Click on the pic after 4PM eastern, 1PM Pacific, 3PM Central. If you're on Mountain Time, I guess you sort of just judge it according to position of the sun.
Our guest will be Tom Maguire of Just One Minute, the web's go-to chronicler of Valerie Plame, Double-O Soccer Mom.
We'll also be talking about the "Bush in the Bubble" meme that's spreading through the media like a really popular meme.
And other stuff. We kind of make it up as we go along. That's where you come in:
We love getting calls from our fifteen listneners, unless they're total morons. But I think that only stands to reason.
Oh, and vote for me, please. I'm reliably informed that all winners will get to go on a Manhattan vintage-store shopping spree with Sarah Jessica Parker, and, as you know, that's just my idea of Heaven on Earth.