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December 11, 2005
Looney Tunes Characters Get "Extreme Makeover"
The Simpsons brilliantly pre-parodized this when they introduced that stupid "extreme" dog character to Itchy and Scratchy.
But kneejerk corporate marketing hacks imitate art, I guess.
The Looney Tunes characters will now all be "extreme" to really connect with today's youth.
Bugs Bunny and his pals are being updated for the future — way in the future.
The WB network will take the famed Looney Tunes characters as models for a new children’s series, “Loonatics,” that will air on Saturday mornings starting this fall. The characters’ descendants — Buzz Bunny and the like — will be superhero action figures for the cartoon set in the year 2772.
The network’s animators have re-imagined Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Wile E. Coyote as sleek new figures for a modern age.
Oh yeah! Extreme, baby!
A floridly-profane parody imagines the new "extreme" Bugs descendant, "Buzz Bunny," meeting some baffled middle-schoolers.
Cleanish version (cusses bleeped out, though you can still tell what "Buzz" is saying.
Uncensored version.
A sequel. This one featuring "Aced Bunny," who seems to be a pedophile.
Thanks to John.
Correction: I wrote originally that an "extreme" dog character had been added to "Ren & Stimpy." Duh. Of course I meant Itchy & Scratchy. Thanks to Jack for correcting my loose shit.
Now Steven den Beste Says "It's Old:" The MSNBC article (which I just googled for background) is from last year; the new "extreme" cartoon began running this past Semptember.
I'm not sure how old the actual parody is though. I just heard about a few days ago.