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December 09, 2005
X-Prize Mulled For Manned Orbital Flight
The X Prize Foundation has completed a study on how the Federal Government—NASA—can establish cash prizes to spur human-carrying orbital spacecraft.
A Human Orbital Vehicle (HOV) challenge would build upon NASA’s Centennial Challenges program. Presently, however, that effort is limited in the size of prizes offered by the space agency, now no greater than $250,000.
The HOV Challenge, as identified in the X Prize Foundation study, would best be served if $100 million to $500 million could be offered by NASA.
Such a ramping up of NASA prize money might not be too far off the mark, according to an X Prize Foundation statement released today. It points out that the NASA Authorization Act of 2005—now making its way through Congress—will allow the civilian space agency to award much larger prizes.
Crazy space-money?
Houston, We Have A Propulsion System: Diet Coke and Mentos, the next generation rocket fuel?
Turn your speakers down (all the way down); the clip plays a very annoying soundbite that has nothing to do with the video. Also, don't bother watching past the point at which he puts the Mentos in the Diet Coke.
For that last one, h/t to Craig, or as I call him, "Creigh."