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December 01, 2005
MoveOn Restores Ad Which Misidentified "US" Troops
As you've probably heard, MoveOn ran an ad noting that there were 150,000 US troops in Iraq, and Bush had no plan to get them out. This narrative ran as the ad displayed a picture of British troops chowing down. They were id'd as Brits based upon their camoflage patterns, and, more obviously, that one man was wearing khaki shorts, part of the British uniform collection but not part of the American one.
MoveOn, honest truth-tellers they, then photoshopped the picture to put the shorts-wearing Brit into American long-pants camoflage fatigues. (See end of post.)
The story has been picked up by CNSNews, which isn't really big media, but at least it's something.
Well, my sources inform me they've had another go at the ad. This time, they've taken out the picture entirely and have replaced it with a picture of what they say is "undeniably" a US soldier in standard field dress.

He's identified as Lt. I. M. Gorn.
I don't know... that satiny tunic, the holstered phaser... something about this picture seems hinky too. They might want to consider a third go at it.