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September 09, 2005
Anniversary of A Blogger Milestone: One Year After Rathergate
LGF reposts his animated GIF showing the supposed 1972 typewritten document over a MSWord document with default settings and fonts... and of course they're a perfect match.
Powerline too notes their break on the story, musing:
Have things changed in the ensuing year? Well, sure. I think the MSM are more careful about documents now, and perhaps about other claims that can readily be fact-checked. My own impression, though, is that, far from having ameliorated since last year, the liberal bias of the MSM has, if anything, worsened. I think the fact that alternative media now exist has prompted some reporters and editors to abandon even the pretense of objectivity.
That seems about right to me.
Cribbed again from the metablog cheatsheet known as the Blogometer.
LGF Link Fixed. Thanks for the correction, Il.