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September 09, 2005
Depak Chopra vs. Agent Smith
Is humanity a cancer?
Or, as Agent Smith would have it, merely a virus?
It's an important question to debate, and Depak Chopra isn't afraid to ask the "tough questions."
He's also not afraid to ask the "moronic questions." Or to mention the "Gaia hypothesis" with a straight face. (Or at least he seems to have a straight face through the keyborad; I imagine he was giggling like a schoolgirl on goofballs when he wrote that.)
He's also not afraid to charge you $1500 for a retreat just to be in his company, and also have essence of Holy Aloe massaged into your buttocks.
Which sounds like a pretty good scam, actually. Coming soon-- the Ace of Spades HQ Spiritual Awareness Weekend. Nothing but Kentucky Fried Chicken, beer, and Donita Dunes videos.
Then we'll commune with nature by shooting bottle-rockets at squirrels and raccoons.
Thanks to Allah Pundit, who really should get a blog or somethin'. This young upstart seems to have the chops.