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December 29, 2004
Concerned Liberal: Earthquakes Due to Global Warming
I've been wondering when some dolt would blame seismic activity on too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
This idiot doesn't quite do that, alas, but he does endeavor to link the two nonetheless.
And of course the New York Times is more than happy to publish his idiotic letter.
You Make the Call:
A liberal commentor/insulter named Ryan says the following:
You seem to have a lot of misdirected anger.
You are not a welcome opponent in an argument as it always seems to come down to the mythical liberal media and all the crybaby liberals doing this or doing that. Start using logic, start being rational. That goes for you and your psychotic rightwing followers who sit there and scream all day long about how stupid, evil, uncaring, weak, do-nothing liberals are. You clearly have no world view. Its your view, for better or worse. You have a square peg view and will cram it into the round hole world. There is no bend, there is no compromise.
Don't tell me that the liberals use every event for political gain. That is wrong and just sad. And so are you Mr. Of Spades. Go stick that in your little blogerator you closed minded nerd humper.
Logic. Crybabyism. Psychotic. Etc. Well, as long as you're being so very rational and civil, Ryan, I guess it would be churlish of me to respond in an insulting fashion.
So I would just suggest that everyone compare Ryan's thesis to the letter just published by the New York Times:
It's easy for George W. Bush to express sorrow and to send condolences and even some aid for the Indian Ocean tsunami devastation, since he appears to bear no culpability, as he does in other situations in other parts of the world.
But the next time there is a severe offshore earthquake and resulting tsunami, the sea level will be just a little bit higher, and the water and destruction will go a bit further inland and kill even more people. And for that, he will bear some culpability for not even wanting to consider global warming, much less do anything about it as the leader of the country most responsible for man-made warming and ice-cap melting.
Doesn't make sense to me. Six inches extra of sea level won't make much of a difference when you're talking about a twenty-foot swell. Further, the whole idea is that the rising sea-levels will flood currently-populated areas, forcing humanity, at some great expense, to move back away from the advancing seas, to resettle further inland. In other words, even granting the premise of the "rising sea level" scaremongering, should another tsunami hit, it won't be intensified by the supposedly-risen sea level, as we'll have all moved back from the shores and effectively be in the same position we are now, at least as regards the threat of a land-invading tsunami.
But any tragedy can be used to attack the Bush administration.
Add that to the "stingy" attack -- and the call for the US to raise taxes in response to the tsunami! -- and the fretting that Bush remains on a scheduled vacation while they're still counting the dead from a tsunami.
Has anyone on the right sought to blame this calamity on the left? I haven't. To the extent the right has commented on this politics of this disaster, it has only been to rebut the inappropriately-political and utterly cynical opportunism of the left.
But, once again, you be the judge.