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December 29, 2004
Photos of the Disaster (Graphic)
CORRECTION: This item originally ran with a photo taken from Free Republic. Several posters have written to tell me the photo is from China several years back, and furthermore is an artifact of some trick (or tricky) phtography.
The photo runs after the jump. [End correction; thanks for your input.]
Yeahp, seems as good a time as any to link the disaster to America's tax policy and to global warming.
But conservatives should be castigated, of course. The left uses this almost-incomprehensible tragedy to score political points, and the right dares to say 1, you're just being idiotic and 2, you're being almost inhuman in your rush to use the dead to advance your political agenda, even as the corpses are still being counted.
But "both sides" need to cool it with the politics, right?