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December 16, 2004
Humor on Campus: Let's Kill Some Republicans
Big funny:
Pat Rothfuss, a University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point faculty member, has been writing his sarcastic, satirical column in UWSP's student newspaper for years.
But a group of students from the UWSP College Republicans organization wasn't laughing Nov. 4 when a post-election Rothfuss column included phrases like "punching smug-looking Republicans in the mouth" and "key every car you see with a Bush bumper sticker." The column's premise was that Rothfuss was drunk while writing to himself, and it suggested, "why don't you go on a killing spree? I pet you can take out fixteen for sisteen republicans beofre they gun you down. Duke, youd' be like a heroe."
Isn't it funny that the folks whose right to free expression has been so "chilled" are permitted to make such statements, whereas were I to do the same -- lowly blogger that I am -- I'd be excoriated and I'd never get another job?