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December 12, 2004
Zero Tolerance: 10-Year-Old Arrested and Led Off In Handcuffs For Bringing Scissors To School
I know most conservative bloggers think this is getting out of hand, but I don't know.
Granted, these reactions always seem like, well, overreactions. But, ultimately, rules are rules, and as ticky-tack as these violations always seem, the rules are there for a reason: because some kids actually kill other kids in school.
As the frazzled engineer explained to Gary Sinise in Apollo 13: "I'm not just making this shit up."
It's hard to precognitively separate the dangerous ones from the ones who just wanted to bring an extra pair of scissors to school. And precognition is especially dangerous in our current lawsuit-happy government by trial lawyers.
A five day suspension isn't the worse thing that could happen to someone. Hey, I know. I'm sure a lot of you do.