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Tuesday Timesuck »
December 06, 2004
Husky Huckster Michael Moore: Dems Must Embrace Hollywood
I've got to cite no less an authority than Dean Vernon Wormer for this one:
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
Apparently intent on wrestling away the nickname "The Stupid Party" from the GOP (which has, to its credit, richly earned the monicker), Moore descends into a maelstrom of insanity where not even Great Cthulhu dares to tread:
Fahrenheit 9/11" director Michael Moore on Monday rejected the idea that Hollywood had hurt John Kerry (news - web sites)'s chances of winning the White House, insisting that he and other entertainers helped spare Democrats an even bigger defeat.
"For the last month, we've had to listen to a lot of conservative pundits talk about how Democrats need to run away from Hollywood," Moore said. "It's actually the opposite. Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story."
They never lose elections because the public disapproves of their ideas-- both the announced ones and the ones they try to keep secret. It's always an uncharismatic candidate, the media refusing to allow them to "get their message out," or -- now -- "failing to tell a story."
Here's a story, Mike: 60,000,000 Americans saw through your barely-disguised contempt for them, and your barely-restrained hatred of this nation and everything it stands for.
How's that for a tag-line? Think that'll pack 'em in in Peoria?
"What 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and Bruce Springsteen (news) and MoveOn and all the other people that were working during this election, what we did was we prevented a Bush landslide," Moore said. "We're all going to continue to do this in the near future. No one's giving up."
The Black Knight always triumphs!
Or so I've heard.
"And I think we need to turn to Hollywood, because who wouldn't vote for Tom Hanks or Paul Newman or Robert Redford or Oprah?"
I don't know for certain, but I'm guessing that all three are pretty-far-left-liberals of a Naderite/Haydenite stripe.
This is Moore's problem. I mean, this is one of Moore's problems, apart from the unspeakable vanity and morbid obesity. He watches The West Wing; he believes The West Wing. He honestly believes that what America craves is a blast of 60's progressivism/neo-socialism -- with both barrels, loaded with buckshot -- and that honestly, the only thing keeping America from voting so is the lack of a candidate with a movie-star smile.
I don't believe America is a very conservative country. I think it's actually liberalish in many ways, and that the current conservative-center majority is held together, as many coalitions are, by duct-tape and silly-string.
But Michael Moore hated Bill Clinton's politics. That's not the sort of Democratic standard-bearer he imagines to lead the America he dreams of.
That America never existed, Mike, except for a few months in 1969 in the pot-clouded back offices of Mother Jones magazine.
Put. The Cofee. Down! Coffee is for closers.