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December 04, 2004
School Pride: Rutgers Supports Our Troops
Nice to see this kind of a demonstration:
In addition to collecting signatures for the large white flags with yellow ribbons --which read "We Support Our Troops, Come Home Soon" in big black letters -- the group collected money to send care packages to soldiers. Candy canes, which could be personalized with a little message for a dollar donation, will also be sent to the troops.
"Lots of people think college students are apathetic and they don't care, but that's not true," Kent said. "We support our troops and want to show them that they are not forgotten."
Meanwhile, over at Princeton, they're having an intense debate over whether to label our troops active war-criminals or simply morons brainwashed into killing babies.
And speaking of that mentality, check out this review of Brainwashing 101, a documentary about our tenured radical acadamians.